Inglorious Basterds:5 stars
I love this movie. Despite Quentin Tarentino's non-CGI gore and action, which is amazing... i cant help but love the acting and diversity in the style or genre of the movie. But you simply cannot put his movies into a genre.
If you cannot stand watching people get shot and really seeing what it would really look like when somebody gets shot, this movie isnt for you. Now mind you there is a 3 second sex scene that is completely random but you see no boobs or butt cheeks so that is always a plus.
If you enjoy watching movies that are different and are not your average every day action flick and you enjoy shoot em' up's, then you should definately give"Inglorious Basterds" a shot.
overall not a kids movie.But awesome.
Rating "R"

I'm looking forward to seeing this. Tarantino is hit and miss with me, but when he hits it...he knocks it out of the freakin' park.